What inspires long-term XK ownership and enthusiasm? Surely, there can only be one answer: the cars themselves.
The author and his wife launched a dedicated XK Club in 1997, just in time for the 50th anniversary one year later. Now, the venerable XK 120 has reached another milestone with its 65th anniversary. Between these covers, the author presents a mix of features including 120s, 140s, and 150s, plus the C- and D-Types, which the factory always termed XK 120C and XK 120D (and occasionally XK 140D).
A few of the articles are reprinted from the early issues of the XK Gazette, the XK Club magazine, but are now in color; expanded, redesigned and, mainly, updated. Let's not be bashful: XKs are great cars. They achieved so much in their time, and continue to achieve much today. Could there be a better advertisement for a classic sports car, a better testimonial to their greatness? This book is no mere flirtation but a full-blooded love affair with these vehicles, our stimulating, rewarding, and beguiling mistresses