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The Pininfarina Book


What is innovation? The dictionary defines it as renewal through the use of new processes and technologies. In advertising, everything is an innovation. But what is truly innovative?

Since 1930, the Pininfarina design firm of Turin, Italy, has been answering that question. This is where the Cistalia 202 was developed, the first vehicle to be added to MoMA’s permanent collection. The list goes on: the interior of the new stadium for Juventus Turin, the Nash Healey Spider seen in Billy Wilder’s Sabrina, and the legendary Ferrari Di 246 and Ferrari Testarossa. However, Pininfarina isn’t resting on its laurels, but blasting full speed ahead into the future with an expanded portfolio while honouring its heritage. Whether it’s a solution for sustainable mobility, interior designs, or household gadgets, all Pininfarina projects bear an unmistakable signature. To visually celebrate the history and influence of Pininfarina, there is one better suited than a man who has made his own unmistakable mark on automotive photography. Gunther Raupp has spent 30 years photographing cars for Ferrari’s official calendars, which enjoy a cult following among the experts. He has two successful books with the most recent being The Ferrari Book. As a star photographer and conisseur of industrial design, Raupp showcases a company that embodies true italianita.

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SKU: 9783832732349 Category:


Gunther Raupp
304 pages

Additional information

Weight 3.400 kg
Dimensions 37.3 × 29.8 × 3.50 cm


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