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Royal Enfield 250s Limited Edition Extra 1956-1967


The Royal Enfield 250s provided the young motorcyclists of the day with bikes for learning to ride, commuting to work, touring and cafe racing. This new book features 39 articles on this popular classic British bike including new model introductions, tuning, buying second-hand, classic reports, engine analysis, performance and technical data. Models reported on: Crusader, Sport, Super 5, Airflow, Turbo Twin, 246cc Grand Prix Single, Continental.

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SKU: 9781855206663 Category:


R. M. Clarke
128 pages

A collection of the best articles on the bike from various car magazines. Includes are full specifications and performance data, new model introductions, classic reports on engine analysis,plus tune-up and buying second-hand advice. Covers Crusader, Sport, Super 5, airflow, Turbo Twin, 246cc Grand Prix Single, Continental, GT.

Additional information

Weight 0.29937072 kg
Dimensions 27.305 × 20.32 × 0.9525 cm