From building roads through dense forests, mining the earth for raw ore, laying pipe, constructing power developments, to creating golf courses, Caterpillar's earthmoving machines have played an important role in shaping our world. Caterpillar Earthmovers at Work features Caterpillars in action moving massive amounts of rock, dirt, trees and anything else in their path. See these machines used in forestry & logging, road construction, railway construction, hydroelectric power projects, mining and much more. A treat for all heavy equipment fans.
Power Shovels is a celebration of the land leviathans that have inhabited the open pit mines over the past century. Due to their massive size and unbelievable capabilities, interest in these machines extends far beyond their role in the extraction of minerals and precious metals. Author Orlemann focuses on the super stripper and loading class of shovels. Discover how the super stripper can remove vast amounts of earth and place it over a football field away. This book reveals design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, and operation of these modern and massive shovels.
Beginning in 1884 with a prototype steam shovel, Marion went on to produce massive stripping shovels and walking draglines used in surface mining, as well as conventional shovels and dredges.View handpicked photographs from the Archives of the Historical Construction Equipment Association augmented with authoritative captions that highlight Marion's innovations through the years. Includes a concise corporate history of the Marion Power Shovel Company.
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