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Porsche 930 to 935: The Turbo Porsches


In 1974, to rave reviews, Porsche produced the 930/911 Turbo to the public and set off on a new road. At the same time, the governing body of motorsport introduced a new “silhouette” formula to sports car racing. Thus the immortal 934 and 935 were born. Porsche 930 to 935: The Turbo Porsches tells the story of the 911 Turbo and its racing cousins, from the 1974 2.1-liter RSR Turbo Carrera to the tube-framed 750 horsepower final variants of the 935. These are the cars which still bring a gleam of pleasure to any of the drivers lucky enough to have sampled their enormous power and, sometimes, their wayward handling!

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SKU: 9781787112469 Categories: ,


John Starkey
304 pages

Additional information

Weight 1.500 kg
Dimensions 23.8 × 21.5 × 2.40 cm


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