OBD-II & Electronic Engine Management Systems


This manual takes the mystery out of Second-Generation On-Board Diagnostic Systems allowing you to understand your vehicles OBD-II sytem, plus what to do when the “Check Engine” light comes on, from reading the code to diagnosing and fixing the problem. Includes a comprehensive list of computer codes.

Computer-controlled car repair made easy! For all car and light truck models manufactured since 1996. Understand your vehicle’s On-Board Diagnostic system. How to deal with that “Check Engine” light–from reading the code to diagnosing and fixing the problem. Comprehensive computer codes list

Diagnostic tools:
Powertrain management fundamentals
OBD-II “monitors” explained
Generic trouble codes that cover all models!
Manufacturer-specific trouble codes for GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota/Lexus and Honda/Acura vehicles
Let your car’s computer help you find the problem!
Component replacement procedures
Glossary and acronym list
Fully illustrated with over 250 photographs and drawings

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SKU: 9781563926129 Category:


Haynes (10206)
272 pages

Additional information

Weight 0.408 kg
Dimensions 27 × 21.2 × 1.6 cm


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