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Laverda Twins and Triples: The Complete Story


The Laverda tale is a fascinating one, one where truth really is stranger than fiction! In Laverda Twins and Triples, Mick Walker charts that history from its beginnings in the 1940s, through the high points of the 1960s and 1970s and the low points of the 1980s, to the present with its promise of even greater things to come. Chapters contain: the background history of the company, complete Laverda development history, and full specifications. Fully illustrated with many rare color and b&w photographs.

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SKU: 9781861262202 Category:


Mick Walker
200 pages

Includes background history of the company. Complete development history. Full specifications. Fully illustrated with many rare colour and black and white photographs.

Additional information

Weight 0.68 kg
Dimensions 24.1 × 19 × 1.6 cm