Ford Motor Company USA
246 pages
Out of Print.
Used. Ex libris inside the title page. Please ask for details.
This is a reproduction of the book that originally would have been used in the Ford dealer’s parts department so that customers could order parts. You will find the original part numbers, which are still useful today because many parts vendors still use Ford’s numbers to keep track of their parts. Use this book to make your search for parts both quicker and easier. Find out if the parts on your car and the parts you are buying are original and complete. 246 pages, 50 illustrations. Covers 28, 1929, 1930, and 1931.
Out of stock
Ford Motor Company USA
246 pages
Out of Print.
Used. Ex libris inside the title page. Please ask for details.
Weight | 0.400 kg |
Dimensions | 21.3 × 14.0 × 1.50 cm |
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