All the money-saving facts you need before buying a '78-including best buys based on actual road tests, dealers' costs, discount prices and comparative ratings of all the top domestics and foreign imports.
The history of lesser known car manufacturers that no longer exist, though they were the best-sellers in their time, is generaly limited to a paragraph. This wonderful book on the DeDion-Bouton, #6 in the Ballantie series on the "History of the Car", is a treasure at 159 pages long. The paperback covers the 20 year rise of this most popular car and the reasons for its 20 year decline. It is plentifully illustrated with black-and-white photos, drawings and diagrams of car parts and many, possibly all, models. Nowhere else have I been able to find anything in literature or at local musea that might help me identify the model or the reason why and when my great-grandfather bought a DeDion-Bouton in the 1890's. If the others in this Balantine Series are as exhaustive, they make a great read/gift for the car enthusiast.
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