From the eccentric Fairey Battle to the lethal-looking CF-18, from modern airliners that have no defects (and no character) to the classic North Star (which had both), here is the ultimate line-up of the aircraft that have served Canadians in the last century. With over one hundred photographs of fifty historic planes, Wings Across Canada is a retrospective of Canadas aeronautical technology. This book does not compare the planes, nor claim that all are "classics" in the traditional sense of the word. Instead, it is a celebration of a love affair with aircraft that all served a purpose in their own time.
In February 1932 legendary bush pilot Wilfrid May used his Bellanca Pacemaker to hunt down the notorious killer Albert Johnson, the "Mad Trapper of Rat River." Russ Baker used his Junkers W34 to pluck 24 men from a Yukon mountainside after three bombers crashed in apalling weather in 1942. Jack Hunter tracked rumrunners off the New Brunswick coast in his Fairchild.
Bush Planes and Bush Pilots is the story of sixteen extraordinary aircraft found in the collections of Canada's aviation museums. It is a celebration of some of the greatest moments in Canadian history, when daring young pilots defied incredible odds to open up some of the nation's remotest regions to the outside world. Author Dan McCaffery highlights a diverse spectrum of planes from the pioneer era to the modern day; each plane is profiled individually, accompanied by historical and contemporary visuals and colour artwork.
Bush Planes and Bush Pilots is an attractive book that will appeal to all who are interested in aviation history and the story of Canada's development as a nation.
It may come as a surprise to learn that some 1,700 multi-engined military and commercial flying boats and amphibians have been built since 1945. The development of compact, reliable and economical turbo-prop engines in recent years has given the flying boat and amphibian a new lease of life, not only by extending the lives of some types by replacing existing piston engines, but also by encouraging new designs that are able to compete favourably with landplanes in terms of economy while retaining their unique ability to land on water if and when necessary. There are currently more than 350 multi-engined types operating worldwide in the search and rescue (SAR) and inshore maritime reconnaissance (MR) roles with the military, the commercial transport of people and supplies in remote areas, and fighting fires. This book describes 12 major multi-engined flying boats and amphibians that have been produced, albeit in small numbers in some cases, in 7 different countries since 1945. All have either served with operational military units or have been sold to commercial operators, with which many of them continue to serve to this day.
A full color look at a wide range of the biggest jetliners flying today. Included are the DC-10, Boeing 747 and MD-80. All are seeing action at O'Hare, Atlanta, LAX, La Guardia and other major airports throughout the US.
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