Showing 81–120 of 185 results

Northern Steamboats: Timiskaming, Nipissing & Abitibi
Steamboats once traveled all of Ontario's navigable waterways -- the Great Lakes, the Ottawa River, the Rideau, the Kawarthas, the Muskoka Lakes -- but nowhere did they find a greater variety of employment than in the North. Here, steamboats served the lumber trade, brought settlers to their new lands, transported produce to markets, and helped to make possible the railways, the mining industry, paper mills, and tourism. They were lifelines to isolated communities and remote island villages.
This fascinating account of the heyday of steam-boating in the North is a timely sequel to Richard Tatley's previous books, as divers probe the depths of northern waters for wrecks and our marine heritage is once again an important topic in the popular media and at museums across the country.

Northern Steamboats: Timiskaming, Nipissing & Abitibi (Used)
Steamboats once traveled all of Ontario's navigable waterways -- the Great Lakes, the Ottawa River, the Rideau, the Kawarthas, the Muskoka Lakes -- but nowhere did they find a greater variety of employment than in the North. Here, steamboats served the lumber trade, brought settlers to their new lands, transported produce to markets, and helped to make possible the railways, the mining industry, paper mills, and tourism. They were lifelines to isolated communities and remote island villages.
This fascinating account of the heyday of steamboating in the North is a timely sequel to Richard Tatley's previous books, as divers probe the depths of northern waters for wrecks and our marine heritage is once again an important topic in the popular media and at museums across the country.

Nuclear Powered Submarines
This book covers Russian, American, and European nuclear submarines, and provides information on each ship, and depicts life aboard a modern submarine.

Oakville’s Flower: The History of the HMCS Oakville
The story of HMCS Oakville, a corvette that fought U-boats in WWII and remains a hero to its hometown in Oakville, Ontario.
This is an in-depth look at the history and legacy of HMCS Oakville, a Canadian World War II corvette that fought in the Battle of the Atlantic, and was one of the few corvettes to sink a U-boat. From its creation through its christening off the shores of its namesake town, its exploits at sea, the famous encounter with U94, and the ships lackluster end, Oakvilles is a story that showcases not only our nations proud naval heritage, but also the importance of remembrance.
Oakvilles Flower sets the scene of naval war in the Atlantic ? the battles between convoys, stealthy U-boats, and the lowly corvettes that formed the backbone of the Royal Canadian Navy. We follow Oakville, one of those corvettes, through its rise and fall as a Canadian naval legend, to its revival in the town of Oakville, championed by the local Sea Cadet Corps that shares its name and safeguards its legacy.

Old Outboard Motor Service Manual – Vol. 2 (1st Edition)
Vintage marine outboard motors 30 horsepower and above produced from 1955-1968.

On the Triangle Run
The triangle run was the name given to North Atlantic convoys operating between New York, Halifax and St. John's up to the mid-ocean meeting point (MOMP) where convoys were turned over to UK escorts. This book contains B&W photos of the HMCS Trail, HMCS Dundas, HMCS Chilliwack, HMCS Arrowhead and HMCS Battleford.

Paddle to the Amazon: The Ultimate 12,000-Mile Canoe Adventure
It was crazy. It was unthinkable. It was the adventure of a lifetime.
When Don and Dana Starkell left Winnipeg in a tiny three-seater canoe, they had no idea of the dangers that lay ahead. Two years and 12,180 miles later, father and son had each paddled nearly twenty million strokes, slept on beaches, in jungles and fields, dined on tapir, shark, and heaps of roasted ants.
They encountered piranhas, wild pigs, and hungry alligators. They were arrested, shot at, taken for spies and drug smugglers, and set upon by pirates. They had lived through terrifying hurricanes, food poisoning, and near starvation. And at the same time they had set a record for a thrilling, unforgettable voyage of discovery and old-fashioned adventure.

Paddle Your Own Canoe
The most comprehensive canoeing techniques book ever is now available for the first time in paperback.
Illustrated with 600 full-color photographs, this wide-ranging book is designed with both beginner and seasoned canoeists in mind. Gary & Joanie McGuffin, North America's most celebrated canoeing couple, discuss issues rarely covered in other how-to guides, such as developing fitness and balance.
The book offers first-hand, experience-based instruction on outfitting, reading the river, paddling strokes for all flatwater and whitewater conditions, advanced turns and maneuvers, portaging, safety and rescue techniques - even how to tie a canoe on your vehicle.
Recommended by both the American Canoe Association and Paddle Canada, Paddle Your Own Canoe features:
- Canoeist's vocabulary
- Selecting the right canoe
- Selecting the right paddle
- Portaging techniques
- Self-rescue techniques
- Solo whitewater spins
- Complete flatwater techniques
- Complete whitewater techniques

Passenger and Merchant Ships of the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern Railways
The untold history of the maritime branches of two giants of early-twentieth-century Canadian railroads.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and the Canadian Northern Railway, two giants of Canadian rail transportation, each operated maritime shipping ventures during the early twentieth century.
Numerous vessels, including sidewheel, paddlewheel, and propeller steamers, tugboats, and barges, helped to build and serve these railways. Passenger and merchant ships sailed the West Coast, the Great Lakes, and St. Lawrence River, and served Canadian and European ports, in a time when groundings, shipwrecks, and sinkings often claimed lives.
These same steamship lines played an important role in World War I, when Canadian vessels ferried men and war supplies. Many troopships and freighters were torpedoed, and Canadian Northerns entire transatlantic fleet was virtually obliterated.
Illustrated with contemporary photographs and drawings, this book pays tribute to the maritime enterprises of two trailblazing Canadian railway greats.

Peril at Sea: A Photographic Story of Shipwrecks in the Pacific
Around the shores of the Pacific Ocean, along the western coastline of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska, lie the remains of legions of vessels of every description and every flag. Some lie buried in the depths, never to be found. Others lie as twisted remains along the beaches or entombed down in the sands. Still others have been completely eradicated by the forces of nature. A few carried treasure; some have been recovered but most never will be. Though the greatest treasure has been discovered along the Caribbean and eastern seaboards, most of it was originally lost there while much of the Pacific lay undiscovered. The Pacific rim may yet yield finds of fabulous value. These ideas and many others are explored in Jim Gibbs' most recent book, Peril at Sea. This is a fascinating work on peril at sea and the continuing battle of man against the elements. Each chapter is an accurate chronicle by location of the ships and their sailors who met fateful ends along the Pacific Coastline.

Provisioning: Bowsprit to Transom: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Bluewater First Rate First Mate, the First Time Out
A complete guide for the bluewater first mate: directed to the intermediate first mate contemplating an extended sailing adventure. Here are the steps needed for action and excellence from the first major cruice on. Age, past lifestyle or experience are no barriers. Galley and vessel prep-what's needed and what's not-how to find the space you need-complete shopping, stowage and storing tip-muich more! Written by one who's been there.

PT Boats in Action – Warships No. 7
The In Action series of books is contains a plethora of wealth of details, photos and drawings and serves as a fantastic reference for your model projects, or if you just want to fill some holes in your existing collection.

River Rafting in Canada
This book includes sections on the Slave, Coppermine, South Nahanni, Firth and Tatshenshini rivers.

RMS Queen Mary: 50 Years of Splendor
David Hutchings has provided a heavily illustrated history of this great Cunard Liner.
RMS Queen Mary is a retired ocean liner that sailed primarily on the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967 for the Cunard Line (known as Cunard-White Star Line when the vessel entered service). Built by John Brown & Company in Clydebank, Scotland, Queen Mary along with her sister ship, RMS Queen Elizabeth,[3] were built as part of Cunard's planned two-ship weekly express service between Southampton, Cherbourg, and New York City. The two ships were a British response to the superliners built by German and French companies in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Queen Mary was the flagship of the Cunard Line from May 1936 until October 1946 when she was replaced in that role by Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Mary sailed on her maiden voyage on 27 May 1936 and captured the Blue Riband in August of that year; she lost the title to SS Normandie in 1937 and recaptured it in 1938, holding it until 1952 when she was beaten by the new SS United States. With the outbreak of World War II, she was converted into a troopship and ferried Allied soldiers for the duration of the war.
Following the war Queen Mary was refitted for passenger service and along with Queen Elizabeth commenced the two-ship transatlantic passenger service for which the two ships were initially built. The two ships dominated the transatlantic passenger transportation market until the dawn of the jet age in the late 1950s. By the mid-1960s, Queen Mary was ageing and, though still among the most popular transatlantic liners, was operating at a loss.
After several years of decreased profits for Cunard Line, Queen Mary was officially retired from service in 1967. She left Southampton for the last time on 31 October 1967 and sailed to the port of Long Beach, California, United States, where she remains permanently moored. Much of the machinery, including one of the two engine rooms, three of the four propellers, and all of the boilers, were removed. The ship serves as a tourist attraction featuring restaurants, a museum, and a hotel. The ship is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has accepted the Queen Mary as part of the Historic Hotels of America.

RMS Titanic Manual: 1909-1912 Olympic Class
The world famous ocean liner Titanic, which sank on her maiden voyage in 1912, is the latest subject to receive the Haynes Manual treatment. With an authoritative text and hundreds of illustrations, see how this leviathan was built, launched and fitted out. Read about her lavish passenger accommodation. Learn about the captain's responsibilities, including the operation of a transatlantic liner. Consider the chief engineer's view -- how did he manage the huge engines and other onboard systems? What was it like to operate luxury ocean liner from the perspective of Titantic's owner, the White Star line?

Samuel Cunard: Nova Scotia’s Master of the North Atlantic
An illustrated biography of a Canadian who sparked a world transportation revolution.
In North America, the name Cunard is synonymous with shipping. This book traces the entrepreneurial rise of Samuel Cunard who, for decades, ruled a shipping empire on the North Atlantic.
By the time Cunard died in 1865, he had witnessed the emergence of steamships, developed trade links with China and helped establish the Quebec and Halifax Steam Navigation Company. He was a director of the Bank of British North America and bought huge tracts of land in PEI. He won the transatlantic mail service contract between Britain and North America, and built several of the most luxurious steamships of the day. His ships helped Britain in the Crimean War and he became Sir Samuel Cunard for his support of the war effort. The Cunard line which he founded was long a major force in the development of international travel.
This book combines the Cunard story with 150+ colour and black and white visuals covering Cunard's life and the subsequent history of his company. A fascinating and readable account of the brilliance and determination of one man who played an innovative role in world transportation history.

Schooners: Great Lakes Album Series
The "Great Lakes Album Series" is a tribute to the vessels that helped develop the Great Lakes basin into one of the world's major industrial heartlands. The illuminating text and fascinating historical photographs bring to life the memorable story of these hard-working lake vessels and their crews.

Sea Disasters: The Truth Behind the Tragedies
The sea is an unforgiving arena where the slightest error can spell certain disaster. Over the last century, hundreds of ships have met their watery graves as the result of human error, mechanical Failure, acts of aggression, or the awesome power of the sea itself. Each of the 50 disasters chronicled and illustrated in this fascinating book is vividly related. From the sinking of the USS Maine off of Cuba in 1898, the tragedy of the Titanic in 1912, the grounding of the tanker Exxon Valdez in 1989, and the Acille Lauro fire of 1994, derailed explanations, along with photographs and artwork, outline the causes and human dramas behind each disaster.

Segwun: A Muskoka Tour
Have yet to have the pleasure? Don't worry, this lovely book provides a wonderful glimpse of a ride aboard the Royal Mail Ship Segwun, the last authentic operating steamboat in North America. Full of wonderful historical photographs.

Shipwrecks! The very word evokes dramatic stories, images of tragedy and courage alike -- the Titanic going down as its orchestra played, the surprise torpedoing of the passenger ship Lusitania during World War I. Cathie Cush, an experienced diver, brings these stories alive with fascinating tales of once-great mistresses of the sea that now rest upon the ocean floor, and the people and the cargo they carried. Chock-full of lavish illustrations and practical information on seeing these wrecks under the sea, Shipwrecks goes beneath the waves to bring readers the underwater world.

Shipwrecks & Seafaring Tales of Prince Edward Island
In the 450 years since Jacques Cartiers arrival, Prince Edward Islands history has been tied to the sea. From the first explorers to immigrants, traders, sailors, and fishermen, thousands of seafaring people and their ships have come and gone--many lost to the relentless ocean. Their stories, though, survive in legends and folklore, in archives and family histories.
From PEI author Julie V. Watson comes the telling of these legends in this new edition of Shipwrecks and Seafaring Tales of Prince Edward Island.

Shipwrecks in the Americas
Superb well-researched guide to every major shipwreck in the western hemisphere, from time of Columbus to ca. 1825. Expert advice on locating, surveying, excavating, identifying, and preserving artifacts from sunken vessels. Also detailed catalog of wrecks arranged by year and locality --- over 300 pages and 4,000 listings. 73 illustrations

Shipwrecks of Lake Erie: Tragedy in the Quadrangle
The great lakes have seen many ships meet their end, but none so much as Lake Erie.
As the shallowest of the Great Lakes, Lake Erie is prone to sudden waves and wildly shifting sandbars. The steamer Atlantic succumbed to these conditions when, in 1852, a late night collision brought 68 of its weary immigrant passengers to watery graves. The 1916 Black Friday Storm sank four ships, including the "unsinkable" James B. Colgate, in the course of its 20-hour tantrum over the lake. In 1954, a difficult fishing season sent the Richard R into troubled waters in the hopes of catching a few more fish. One of the lakes sudden storms drowned the boat and three-man crew. At just 50 miles wide and 200 miles long, Lake Erie has claimed more ships per square mile than any other body of freshwater. Author David Frew dives deep to discover the mysteries of some of Lake Erie's most notorious wrecks.

Steamboat in a Cornfield
A rhyming text describes an incident on the Ohio River in 1910 in which the steamboat Virginia went aground in a cornfield.

Still in the Same Boat
Anyone who has ever dreamed of giving up the burden of material possessions, outfitting a boat to suit their own particular needs, and setting sail for parts unknown will be fascinated by this second book detailing the further adventures of a family of four on their five-year round-the-world odyssey.
Taking up the narrative at the Panama Canal, Paul and Fiona take turns describing their fascinating voyage through the South Pacific, with stops at such exotic outposts as the Galapagos, Pitcairn Island, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, and onward to Madagascar, South Africa, New York and home.
The couple with their two high-spirited young children overcame, with the aid of their extensive knowledge of sailing, their physical and mental stamina, and an incurably optimistic outlook on life, the capricious, often violent changes of weather, the bureaucratic road-blocks put up by local officials, and the stresses of sleepless nights and seasick days.
The reader enjoys vicariously the excitement of their unique experiences and learns a good deal of world history and geography along the way. The clear, excellent maps and photographs and the detailed drawings of the ship add further to the value and interest of the text

Examines the functions and design features of modern submarines, both conventional diesel-powered and nuclear, and focuses on such warfare aspects as tactics, missiles, and torpedoes.

Chronicles the history of the submarine and discusses its technological development and its fighting record in two world wars.

Tales from the Great Lakes: Based on C.H.J. Snider’s “Schooner days”
For more than two hundred years, thousands of giant sailing ships traversed the Great Lakes carrying cargo and passengers. The memory of the romance and elegance of these beautiful ships has almost been forgotten in the search for greater efficiency and speed in our modern world.
C.H.J. Snider (1879-1971) chronicled this era in his 1,303 "Schooner Days" columns for Toronto's The Evening Telegram between 1931 and 1954. A great marine researcher and artist, Snider himself worked aboard schooners in his youth and studied first-hand the development of the Great Lakes region. Coupled with Sniders writings are those of Robert B. Townsend, who, besides introducing Snider's stories, adds some of his own.

Tall Ships and Tankers: The History of the Davie Shipbuilders
Davie has been a synonym for shipbuilding on Quebecs South Shore for more than one hundred and seventy years. Indeed, the families associated with the company can trace a shipbuilding lineage that reaches back to Canadas colonial past. George Taylor, shipwright, arrived in Quebec in 1811, and after participating in the race against the Americans to secure naval control of Lake Ontario in what became known as the Shipbuilders War, he settled in Quebec and established himself as an independent shipwright of skill and integrity. In 1820, Allison Davie, a ship master newly arrived in Lower Canada, married Taylors daughter. The Taylor-Davie partnership flourished, building fully rigged ships for the British navy and steam-powered vessels to serve the towns of the St. Lawrence. As generation followed generation, workers at the venerable yard at Lévis successfully made the transition from sail to steam and from wooden-hulled vessels to steel, adopting new technology to suit new requirements.
Davie shipyards have built and repaired tankers and freighters, fishing boats and ferries, offshore oil platforms, and warships ranging from coastal patrol vessels and minesweepers to destroyers, and frigates. Through the firms enterprising General Engineering Division, it has also ventured into industrial fabrication including railway cars and even sonar domes for U.S. warships. The company name has changed over the years, but the firm (now called Davie Industries) has always symbolized fine workmanship and been an integral part of Canadas commercial and military history, contributing mightily to the growth and independence of this maritime nation.

The Age of Invincible: The Ship that defined the modern Royal Navy
The story of HMS Invincible, a ship whose eventful life story, it is argued, embodies that of the Royal Navy itself during the second half of the 20th century and into the 21st. From her conception and design, through her various deployments (including the Falklands) and her evolving role and technical adaptation to meet changing strategic requirements, her fluctuating fortunes have been intertwined with those of the Royal Navy as a whole. Now, as a new breed of carriers is being commissioned to replace her, this thoroughly researched analysis of her career is the perfect platform from which to ask the important questions regarding the future role of the Royal Navy and Britain's place in the world.

The Age of Sail: Master Shipbuilders of the Maritimes
The 19th century was the age of shipbuilding in the Maritime Provinces: all along the coast men were turning trees into ships that would sail on the world's oceans. Farmers and fishermen became master craftsmen building huge, deep-water vessels.
In this beautifully illustrated volume, marine historian Stanley Spicer recaptures the age of sail and its many colourful characters. From hundreds of shipbuilders, Spicer has selected the Troops of Saint John, the Killams of Yarmouth, Joseph Cunard in Bathurst, the Peake family of Prince Edward Island, John Young of Lunenburg and the Moshers in Avondale. Through these often larger-than-life figures we explore the triumphs and tragedies of the Maritimes' great age of shipbuilding and ship owning.
The Age of Sail draws on a range of rich visual resources including ship portraits, archival photographs, engravings, and artifacts displayed in the collections of leading Maritime museums, adding depth to a gripping historical account.

The Arctic Grail: The Quest for the North West Passage and the North Pole, 1818-1909
Scores of nineteenth-century expeditions battled savage cold, relentless ice and winter darkness in pursuit of two great prizes: the quest for the elusive Passage linking the Atlantic and the Pacific and the international race to reach the North Pole. Pierre Berton's #1 best-selling book brings to life the great explorers: the pious and ambitious Edward Parry, the flawed hero John Franklin, ruthless Robert Peary and the cool Norwegian Roald Amundsen. He also credits the Inuit, whose tracking and hunting skills saved the lives of the adventurers and their men countless times.
These quests are peopled with remarkable figures full of passion and eccentricity. They include Charles Hall, an obscure printer who abandoned family and business to head to a frozen world of which he knew nothing; John Ross, whose naval career ended when he spotted a range of mountains that didn't exist; Frederick Cook, who faked reaching the North Pole; and Jane Franklin, who forced an expensive search for her missing husband upon a reluctant British government.
Pierre Berton, who won his first Governor General's award for The Mysterious North, here again gives us an important and fascinating history that reads like a novel as he examines the historic events of the golden age of Arctic exploration.

The Atlantic Campaign: World War II’s Great Struggle at Sea
Despite the attention given to the Battle of Britain and famous land battles, many British experts believe that the war in Europe was actually won at sea.
The Atlantic was the artery that kept Britain alive and it was across this ocean that American troops and supplies were transported for the D-Day landings and subsequent campaigns. On the Atlantic Ocean, German surface raiders confronted the British Battle Fleet, while underwater, the U-boat Wolfpacks tore apart convoys.
The Atlantic Campaign is packed with dramatic and extraordinary stories: the struggle for Norway, the hunt for the Bismarck, the sinking of the Scharnhorst and Tirpitz, and the final defeat of the U-boat menace are all covered in this dramatic narrative.