Flying Technique & Skills
Showing all 12 results

At the Controls: The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Book of Cockpits
This is perhaps the finest collection of cockpit photographs in existence. The National Air and Space Museum holds the world's premier collection of historic aircraft, but visitors to the museum must maintain a respectful distance. In At the Controls, NASM photographers Eric Long and Mark Avino use creative lighting techniques andphotography to duplicate the sensation of actually being at the controls inside the cockpit of 45 legendary aircraft, with access not only to the instrument panels but to the consoles as well. The reader experiences a pilot's-eye view.

Avoiding Common Pilot Errors: An Air Traffic Controller’s View
This important book brings an air traffic controller's perspective to the mistakes pilots commonly make in controlled airspace. Veteran controller John Stewart has spent years observing pilots display their lack of education, lack of flight preparation, inability to communicate effectively, ignorance of resistance to regulations, and other dangerous flaws. This book is his attempt to help pilots fly more safely in controlled airspace and to introduce them to new and coming air traffic control technology.

Flying in Congested Airspace: A Private Pilot’s Guide
The airways are crowded, and getting worse. If you want to continue flying in today’s increasingly unfriendly skies, you need the practical advice of airline pilot Kevin Garrison found in Flying in Congested Airspace.
In this book, flying in busy airspace has been divided into easily digested chunks including:
• Controlled vs. uncontrolled airspace
• Radar service areas
• Terminal control areas
• Dealing with wake turbulence
• Planning routes
• Avoiding collisions
• Monitoring radio communications
Kevin Garrison also provides pointers for safely negotiating the airspace near the nine busiest airfields in the United States.
Private airplanes are still a fast and convenient form of transportation, but it’s wise to take a few precautions to ensure your flights are mishap-free. And, the first precaution any pilot can take to read and take to hear Kevin Garrison’s Flying in Congested Airspace.

When Captain Bob Pearson's twin-engine Boeing 767 failed due to insufficient fuel supply, the craft was gliding westbound over Red Lake at 41,000 feet. Freefall is the story of Flight 143. It is the story of how pilot Bob Pearson guided the powerless jet, with its full crew and 61 passengers, to safety.

Jet Fighter School II: More Training for Computer Fighter Pilots
Richard G. Sheffield Softcover 202 pages Out of Print. New old stock.

Mountain Flying
Anyone who is inexperienced with mountain flying-from weekend flier to instrument-rated pilot-should read this book. Steve Woerner-a Certified Flight Instructor & commercially rated pilot-has written & edited many books & articles, including several for Alaska Flying magazine. Doug Geeting is also a Certified Flight Instructor & veteran pilot, who operates a commercial flying service near Mt. McKinley. These distinguished authors cover everything readers need to handle mountain flying: the weather, pilot fitness, special equipment, charts, the wind, night flying, aircraft performance, flight planning, & emergency procedures. Each section is packed with appropriate tables, graphs, checklists, & illustrations-as well as abundant good advice. This excellent guide is a must for any pilot preparing to fly into mountainous terrain for the first time.

Ocean Flying (2nd Edition)
A solidly authoritative volume that provides practical guidance on every aspect of ocean flying in general aviation planes.

The Art of Instrument Flying (2nd Edition)
This highly praised, award-winning classic takes the pilot through the "hands-on" flying of an aircraft, from the basics to actual instrument approaches, using only radios and instrumentation.

The Aviator’s Guide to Flight Planning
The Aviator’s Guide to Flight Planning is a noteworthy resource for pilots of all levels. The student pilot will find a step-by-step course in cross-country flight planning under visual flight rules. The private pilot will find a complete guide to modern flight planning techniques. Instrument-rate pilots will find coverage of every aspect of flight planning under instrument flight rules. Professional and business pilots will find a complete review of routine flight planning procedures.
Encompassing all types of fixed-wing, general aviation flying, this book will show you how to develop a complete flight plan; not just filling out an FAA Flight Plan Form. For whatever types of flying you are doing now, or may encounter later in your career as a pilot, let this book be your planning partner.
Topics include: Adverse vs. unsafe weather conditions; weather briefing and analysis tips; selection of route, altitude, destination, alternates, cruise power; flight logs (VFR and IFR); high-altitude flying; weight and balance calculations; ground speed estimation vs calculation fuel planning; an field performance (takeoff, landing, obstacle clearance, rate of climb, etc.)

The Pilot’s Air Traffic Control Handbook
Packed with how-to techniques and tips for private pilot use of Air Traffic Control. Updated to include the latest terms, rules, and regulatory and operating changes.

The Pilot’s Radio Communications Handbook (2nd Edition)
A Volume in McGraw-Hill's Practical Flying Series of skill-building books for pilots, this edition includes the most current information and continuing education instruction needed to become proficient in the area of radio communications. Everything from the fundamentals to the technical how-tos have make this a valued reference for pilots, year after year.