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Cessna: A Master’s Expression
Although much has been written about Cessna aircraft, little factual information has been accumulated about Clyde Vernon Cessna, the man, his companies and the machines that bore his name. In Cessna - a Master's Expression, Ed Phillips has skillfully blended history with a highly readable text that represents the most thoroughly researched story of Cessna yet published. Accordingl, much new ground has been covered in this book. The reader will quickly discovery that many of the previously accepted stories of Cessna history will conflict with the information presented herein. Mr. Phillips has done much original and intensive research into the earliest days of Cessna's flying, a time period sorely lacking in reliable information until now. He interviewed Cessna factory employees who were there when many of the company's historic events occured. The author also talked with men and women who knew Clyde Cessna and his son, Eldon a team that built the famous CR-series racers in 1932-1933.

Illustrated Cessna Buyer’s Guide
The complete guide to finding, inspecting, and buying a Cessna aircraft. If you're even thinking about buying your own Cessna, this book's advice on ADs, inspection and logbooks, and the pitfalls of certain models, could easily save you hundreds of times the cover price. It is packed with authoritative buying advice for all Cessnas from the Model AA of the 1920s to the Caravans and Citations of today.

The Cessna 172
The Cessna 172, by Bill Clarke, contains a wealth of information on the most-produced aircraft in the world. Unless you're an owner though, or are looking to buy a Skyhawk -- sad to say, I am neither -- only the first two chapters are likely to be of great interest. These chapters cover a history of the 172 and its development, including year-by-year changes in the model; and specifications and 'book numbers' for performance figures for each year up to 1985. The performance numbers appear to be taken directly from the Pilots Operating Handbook for each model. The third chapter is all about engines, and is of interest to the general reader as well as the owner/buyer. The first three chapters make up almost half of the book. Other chapters provide information on how to go about determining which 172 to buy and what to look for, care and maintenance of your new ride, Airworthiness Directives (ADs) to 1984, available Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) available for modifications and changes to that date, instruments and options, and more. This book is an excellent resource for Skyhawk owners.
For owners and non-owners, the illustrations are quite satisfying. Another book that is currently available has colour photos of each model of 172, but most of the examples had been repainted in non-original paint schemes. 'The Cessna 172' contains period photos that depict how the aircraft were painted upon leaving the factory, though all photos are in black-and-white except for the one on the cover of the book. As someone who is interested in originality, I appreciate seeing the aircraft as they were. There are photos of engines, instruments, interiors, options, and modifications -- including a chapter on 172 floatplanes. 'The Cessna 172' also has profile and planform drawings from the POH, and exploded views of components and systems from shop manuals.
In summary, the non-owner Cessna 172 fan will find plenty in this book to keep him or her entertained and informed. The owner, who one must assume is a really dedicated 172 fan, gets all of the historical information everyone will enjoy, AND great advice on ownership of the 172. This book belongs on the shelf of every Cessna 172/Skyhawk aficionado. Heck, it belongs in the library of anyone interested in General Aviation.