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ERA Gold Portfolio 1934-1994
The ERA was built for voiturette racing in 1934 and was very successful. The B-types were produced for 1935 and the C-type in 1937, followed by the D-type. The E-type produced just before the Second World War did not get fully developed. The earlier cars have had continuing success after the war and continue to be used in Vintage racing. This is a book of contemporary road tests, specification and technical data
Models covered include: 1100cc, 1500cc, 2-litre, E-type, and R.4D.
ERA: The History of English Racing Automobiles Limited
The story of English Racing Automobiles (ERA), a British racing car manufacturer active from 1933 to 1954. Their ambition was to manufacture and campaign a team of single seater racing cars capable of upholding British prestige in Continental European racing. These cars have been owned by a great variety of people over the years, including two Siamese princes, Chula Chakrabongse and Bira Birabongse, whose trio of ERAs became famous as "Hanuman", "Romulus" and "Remus."