Citroen 19-20-21-23 Owners Workshop Manual (742 & 954)
For the 1955 to 1975 ID19, D19, D Special, ID20, D20, D Super, D Super 5, DS19, DS20, DS21 and DS23. The engine, fuel system, cooling system, ignition, clutch, transmission, suspension, steering, brakes, wiring and bodywork are all included in this easy-to-follow repair guide.
not rated $53.98 Add to cart
Citroën AMI8 (AM3) Technical Information (559)
These are three technical manuals for the Citroën AMI 8. Each volume includes a list of the operations appearing in the volume, a list of operations figuring in the other volumes, dealing with the mechanical part of the vehicle. At the end of each volume, there is a list of the tools mentioned in the operations and drawings of any special tools which can be made by the repairer. Volume 1 includes general information on the vehicle itself; including operation procedures relating to repair of the engine and its parts. Volume 2 includes operations relating to the transmission (clutch, gearbox, transmission). Volume 3 focuses on operations on the undercarriage (front and rear axles, suspension, steering, brakes).
not rated $150.00 Add to cart
Citroën Cars: 1945-1964
Few car manufacturers have made such an impact on society as that demonstrated by Citroën. Bearing the famous Double Chevron insignia that has been synonymous with the marque since 1919, Citroën's Traction Avant revolutionized automobile technology when it was introduced in 1934.
Not only did the revolutionary design feature front-wheel drive, it incorporated all-round hydraulic braking, torsion bar suspension and chassis-less construction. Renowned for innovative engineering, Citroën also addressed the need for an inexpensive means of transportation during post-war austerity. With it’s unbelievable level of frugality, their 2CV sold in huge numbers despite its fragile looks. With minimal power derived from a two-cylinder air-cooled engine, the 2CV had the ability to cope with the roughest terrain, courtesy of the most enduring suspension.
Citroën innovation really came under the spotlight in 1955 when the extraordinary DS was launched. Adventurous use of technology meant that hydraulics assisted gear selection, steering and braking as well as providing a means of suspension that nearly six decades later is still superior to anything else.
In addition to building cars, Citroën also made a wide range of commercial vehicles, including the H van, which was as Gallic as baguettes and Gauloise cigarettes. Less appreciated by many is Citroën’s significant contribution to Britain’s motor industry, when it assembled cars at Slough over a period of 40-years.
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Citroen DS & ID 1955-1975
In the 20 years of production there were innumerable combinations of the saloon, estate and Drophead with a wide choice of engine, gearbox and finish. 1966 brought the cessation of the CKD production at Slough, the cars then being imported direct from France. A major body change occurred in 1967 when the headlights were faired in with plastic covers, and in 1969 the fuel injected DS21 was launched. In Britain the end of the D came officially in April 1975. This is a book on contemporary road and comparison tests, specification and technical data, model introductions, buying guide and historical overview. Models covered include: DS19, ID19, ID19 de Luxe, Connaught ID, Wagon, Safari, GT, DW, DSM, ID Super, Pallas M, DS21 Pallas, ID20 Berline Confort, D19 Special, DS23 Pallas Efi.
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Citroen DS & ID All models (except SM) 1966 to 1975: The Essential Buyer’s Guide
The Citroen D-series Buyers Guide aims to guide collectors, restorers, and enthusiasts through the various production changes and problem areas between model years to make sure their restoration or prospective purchase is correct, original, and legitimate. The guide will be an essential reference tool to be used when buying, selling, repairing or restoring the various D-models manufactured between 1966 and 1975. One hundred color photos, useful appendices and expert advice mean this book could save you 1000's.
not rated $21.99 Add to cart
Citroen DS & ID: Gold Portfolio 1955-1975
A compliment to the earlier Road Test book and does not repeat any of the articles. The DS was a completely new concept in car design and construction. A high-pressure hydraulic system lay at its heart and was radically different from anything else on sale. The simpler ID was introduced to lure customers away from more conventional cars. At the end of production the styling was still fresh and unusual, and the suspension, a revelation to drivers, is probably only bettered by the modern Citroens. This is a book of contemporary road and comparison tests, specification and technical data, model introductions, long term reports; rebuild advice and a historical overview. Models covered include: DS19, ID19, ID Safari, Wagon, Connaught GT, DW, DS21, Pallas, Safari Confort 21, 3DS, DS20, DS21 Pallas Efi 139.
not rated $35.95 Add to cart
Citroen SM 1970-1975 Limited Edition Extra
Launched in 1970 it used the underpinnings from the DS, which meant it had self-leveling hydro-pneumatic suspension, power brakes and good steering. Maserati produced a 170bhp, quad-cam V6 engine. Coupled with a stylish fastback bodyshell it should have been a good car. But v the engine was complicated and it was inclined to rust. When Peugeot took over Citroen they sold off Maserati and ceased production of the SM. A good car now is sought after and owners cannot praise them highly enough. This is a book of contemporary road and comparison tests, technical and specification data, new model introductions, driver's impressions & buyer's guide.
not rated $100.00 Add to cart
Citroën Visa Owners Workshop Manual: 1979 to 1982 (All models)
Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes, cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index.
not rated $40.00 Add to cart
La Citroën 2 CV de mon père
Français: Présentée pour la première fois au grand public au Salon de l'automobile de Paris, le 7 octobre 1948, la 2 CV Citroën s'inscrit dans l'histoire de l'automobile Française et européenne comme une voiture à part. Après quarante-deux années d'une carrière bien remplie, sa production cesse au mois de juillet 1990 dans l'usine Citroën de Mangualde. Mais la 2 CV n'est pas morte pour autant. En effet, elle reste à jamais dans les mémoires de ceux qui l'ont utilisée. Avec elle, ils se sont rendus chaque matin sur le chemin du travail. Ils l'ont emmenée tout autour de la terre, se jouant des situations difficiles en traversant les continents le plus simplement du monde. Aujourd'hui, la 2 CV Citroën est un véritable symbole qui rassemble autour d'elle de nombreuses générations d'inconditionnels. Véritable monument historique du paysage automobile Français, cette petite voiture rustique, qui n'a jamais vieilli, reste d'une jeunesse terriblement contagieuse.   English: Presented for the first time to the general public at the Paris Motor Show, October 7, 1948, the 2 CV Citroën is part of the history of the French and European car as a separate car. After forty-two years of a busy career, its production ceased in July 1990 in the Citroën plant in Mangualde. But the 2 CV is not dead for all that. Indeed, it remains forever in the memories of those who have used it. With her, they went every morning on the way to work. They took her all around the world, playing with difficult situations across the continents of the world. Today, the 2 CV Citroën is a true symbol that brings together around it many generations of fans. A real historical monument to the French automotive landscape, this little rustic car, which has never aged, remains terribly contagious.
not rated $66.00 Add to cart
La Citroën 2CV de mon père Fourgonnette
Français: Avec la 2 CV, on croyait avoir atteint le summum de l'automobile spartiate. On se trompait. Citroën pouvait encore faire mieux dans l'austérité. Sur la même base, deux ans après la berline, la version utilitaire fourgonnette est lancée. Hors du temps et des modes, ce petit dromadaire de la route roulera sa bosse infatigablement pendant vingt-huit ans, de 1950 à 1978, sans changements notables. La Fourgonnette sera fabriquée aux quatre coins du monde et vendue pratiquement sans publicité. Elle apparaît à peine dans quelques catalogues. Parfaitement adaptée à tous les climats, avec son moteur refroidi par air, elle convient aux pays en voie de développement, car elle est sobre et économique. Enfin, sa suspension fait des merveilles sur tous les terrains. Comme sa grande sœur la 2 CV, cette fidèle amie des globe-trotters participera à de nombreux raids autour du monde. Imbattable, discrète, indispensable, impossible à copier, rien ne l'a remplacée aujourd'hui. De nombreux utilisateurs regrettent sa simplicité et sa cote d'amour auprès des collectionneurs ne cesse de grimper.   English: With the 2 CV, it was believed to have reached the pinnacle of the Spartan automobile. We were mistaken. Citroen could still do better in austerity. On the same basis, two years after the sedan, the utility van version is launched. Out of time and fashions, this little dromedary of the road will roll his bump indefatigably for twenty-eight years, from 1950 to 1978, without noticeable changes. La Fourgonnette will be manufactured all over the world and sold virtually without advertising. It appears hardly in a few catalogs. Perfectly adapted to all climates, with its air-cooled engine, it is suitable for developing countries, because it is sober and economical. Finally, its suspension does wonders on all terrains. Like her big sister the 2 CV, this faithful friend of globe-trotters will participate in many raids around the world. Unbeatable, discreet, indispensable, impossible to copy, nothing has replaced it today. Many users regret its simplicity and its love rating with collectors is constantly climbing.
not rated $58.00 Add to cart
La Citroën Traction de mon père
Français: En 1933, les affaires d'André Citroën connaissent des difficultés sérieuses. Il vient de reconstruire et de moderniser entièrement son usine du quai de Javel en moins de cinq mois, sans jamais perturber la production, et relève le défi industriel le plus étonnant qui soit. " Celui qui empêche Louis Renault de dormir " projette de lancer une automobile véritablement révolutionnaire qui lui donnera des années d'avance sur la concurrence. Mais il lui faut faire vite car la situation empire. En mars 1933, il embauche un jeune ingénieur répondant au nom d'André Lefebvre qui " s'ennuyait " chez Renault. Celui-ci travaille déjà depuis quelque temps à l'étude d'une voiture à traction avant. Le 18 avril 1934, la Traction Avant est présentée aux concessionnaires et les premières ventes ont lieu le mois suivant. Mais elle manque de mise au point et la situation financière de l'usine ne se redresse pas. Acculé à la faillite, André Citroën doit laisser son usine à la maison Michelin, son plus gros créancier. Usé et fatigué, il décède le 3 juillet 1935 sans avoir vu le triomphe de sa dernière création. Les nouveaux maîtres du quai de Javel vont achever la mise au point de cette Traction qu'il avait tant voulue. Son histoire ne prend fin que le 18 juillet 1957, lorsque le dernier exemplaire quitte les chaînes de montage du quai de Javel.   English: In 1933, the business of André Citroën experienced serious difficulties. It has just rebuilt and completely modernized its factory in the Quai de Javel in less than five months, without ever disrupting production, and takes up the most amazing industrial challenge. "The one who prevents Louis Renault from sleeping" plans to launch a truly revolutionary automobile that will give him years ahead of the competition. But it must be done quickly because the situation is getting worse. In March 1933, he hired a young engineer named André Lefebvre who was "bored" at Renault. For some time now, he has been working on a front-wheel drive car. On April 18, 1934, Traction Avant was presented to the dealers and the first sales took place the following month. But it lacks focus and the financial situation of the factory does not recover. Fueled by bankruptcy, André Citroën must leave his factory at the house Michelin, his biggest creditor. Worn out and tired, he died on July 3, 1935 without having seen the triumph of his latest creation. The new masters of the quai de Javel will complete the development of this Traction which he had so much desired. Its history ends only on July 18, 1957, when the last copy leaves the assembly lines of the quay of Javel.
not rated $66.00 Add to cart
Les Citroën C4-C6 de mon père
Français: Premier constructeur européen dans les années vingt, André Citroën lance au Salon de l'automobile 1928 deux nouveaux modèles radicalement nouveaux, les C 4 et C 6. Ces voitures phares tranchent totalement avec les Citroën antérieures : elles sont confortables, sûres, rapides, élégantes, quasi indestructibles. Ce sont les premières automobiles Citroën résolument modernes. Ces modèles, régulièrement améliorés, se maintiendront cinq années durant à la tête de la construction Française grâce à leurs qualités intrinsèques. Une publicité appuyée, un réseau sûr, fidèle et motivé, de gros efforts " coup de poing ", une percée à l'exportation, de superbes victoires à Montlhéry, feront des C 4 et C 6 des mythes à leur époque. Aujourd'hui, les collectionneurs les recherchent activement et les préservent avec amour. Elles sont pour les Français les bien-aimées des "caisses carrées" à propulsion de la marque.   English: The first European carmaker in the 1920s, André Citroën launched two new radically new models at the 1928 Motor Show, the C 4 and C 6 cars. These flagship cars are totally different from the previous Citroën: they are comfortable, safe, fast, elegant , almost indestructible. These are the first Citroën cars to be resolutely modern. These models, regularly improved, will remain for five years at the head of the French construction thanks to their intrinsic qualities. A strong publicity, a reliable network, faithful and motivated, great efforts "punch", an export breakthrough, superb victories in Montlhéry, will make C 4 and C 6 myths in their day. Today, collectors actively seek and preserve them with love. They are for the French the beloved of the "square boxes" with propulsion of the mark.
not rated $66.00 Add to cart
Pinto Do it Yourself Manual (Revised Edition)

2nd Printing 1970 Softcover Out of Print. Used. Cover worn, inside is clean and intact.

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