Pandemic-2021: update

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Please consult the ABOUT US webpage or the store ‘phone (416-744-7675) for current INTENDED store hours – subject to Public Health regulations and hygienic procedures. Call ahead to confirm.

COVID-19: Update

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What better way to spend your time social-distancing than repairing or restoring your four-wheeled COVID-free friend! For the time being, our showroom at 16 Elrose Ave is closed to the public. Our Online-Bookstore remains OPEN and all orders can still … Continued

Remembrance Day 2019

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Since 1914, Canadians have fought in 2 world wars, the Spanish Civil War, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Somali Civil War, Bosnian War, Kosovo War, East Timor, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Throughout these conflicts, over 112,000 Canadians have been … Continued